Re-Elect Jessica Brandt to Macedonia City Council
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What makes Jessica a good council member?


Jessica is one of those people who shows up. She gets stuff done when she says she'll get it done. If she doesn't know the answer, she'll find it. Jessica is ready and willing to dedicate her time and effort to serving the people of Macedonia.


Jessica has lived in Macedonia her entire life, and has never dreamed of living anywhere else. She's passionate about Macedonia, and loves to see her city and her neighbors prosper.


It's important to Jessica that council members never lose sight of their duty - to represent the people of Macedonia. Jessica considers every Macedonia resident to be her neighbor, and feels every resident deserves to be heard.


What does Jessica want to do as a council member (and what has she done)?
(Click an image to read more)


Move the city in to the future


Maintain assets and infrastructure

Economic Development

Make Downtown Macedonia a reality

Parks & Recreation

Best use of our best asset


A council that works together

Voter Education

Explaining how the city works.

Re-Elect Jessica Brandt
November 2, 2021


A biography of Jessica Brandt

  • Jessica at six


    Growing up Macedonia

    Jessica has lived her whole life on the "birdie streets" - the neighborhood nestled between the High School and the highway. She grew up a typical kid in Nordonia - Lolipop pre-school, Safety Town, Girl Scouts, KAE Dance, NHAA softball, YMCA soccer and summers at Fell Lake. And, of course, countless hours playing with her dog, older brother and the neighborhood kids. Jessica went to Ledgeview for elementary, and was part of the first group of 6th graders to go to the Middle School. In Middle School, she was part of the champion Power of the Pen and Science Olympiad teams.

  • Jessica and her best friend Tom


    High School and College

    High school was mostly about band for Jessica, where she played trombone (having started in 5th grade). Like most band students, she was a regular on the Honor Roll and graduated near the top of her class in 1997. After high school, Jessica attended Kent State University, where she graduated cum laude with a bachelor's degree in journalism. During her time at KSU, Jessica worked on the school paper The Daily Kent Stater, the magazine The Burr and the nascent digital versions of both publications. Her internship was at In the summers, Jessica enjoyed working in various venues across Cleveland area for her cousin's restaurant and catering company, Sammy's.

  • Jessica and her dog Dolly


    Starting a Business & Settling Down

    By the time she was nearly finished with college, Jessica realized that journalism wasn't for her. In 1999 she leaned in to her love for technology, and teamed up with her business partner - a musician from Georgia - to create their Web development company. The company and the partners are still going well today. Jessica was able to buy her house on Bluejay Trail at the age of 25. Making the move with her (all the way from Robin Lane) was her beautiful golden retriever, Dolly, who passed in 2014. Jessica has always and will always spend a lot of time working to improve her home and yard, one small project at a time. Also, she earned a 1st degree black belt in Kenpo in 2007. Seriously.

  • Jessica and her brother at alumni band


    Community Service

    When her business and home started taking up less of her time, Jessica found more time for more community involvement. In 2012, Jessica helped re-establish the Nordonia Lancer Band Alumni, who continue to perform yearly. In 2015, Jessica eagerly joined the Macedonia Future Growth Committee, at the invitation of then-mayor Don Kuchta. She served as secretary for this committee and ultimately compiled the Redevelopment & Future Growth report in December of 2016. During this time, Jessica became increasingly interested in city government and began attending council meetings. In August of 2016, Jessica became involved in the campaign to pass Issues 18 and 19, for Macedonia roads and parks. Jessica served as treasurer for the PAC "People for Macedonia Progress," as well as running the online campaigns. When those issues failed, Jessica continued her work to educate and motivate residents to vote Yes on Issue 3 in 2017 - which passed soundly. In 2017, Jessica was appointed to the Macedonia Parks & Rec Committee.

  • Jessica on city council


    City Council

    Jessica was elected to City Council in 2017 and began her term on January 1, 2018. There has been so much progress in the city since then and Jessica is so proud to be a part of it! As a council member she has served as the Parks & Recreation Committee representative for 4 years, headed up the Charter Review in 2018 and has sat on the Safety Committee. One of Council's main duties is to "control the checkbook" of the city, and all members are a part of the Finance Committee. Since residents voted YES on not one but two income tax increases in the past 5 years, as well as renewed the property tax levy, the city has had so much more to work with to get things done. It has been such a pleasure for Jessica to help the city use the funds wisely in ways which benefit every resident. Jessica feels her tenure thus far has always been reaching for that goal of doing something GREAT TOGETHER!

  • Jessica and her friend Jack

    When not running her business or working for council, Jessica enjoys swimming & Tai Chi at the Rec Center, and at Two Tigers Kung Fu. On weekends Jessica enjoys searching for comic books or having weird adventures with her boyfriend Mike, and seeing what her friends & family are up to. She has two nieces and many of her friends' kids call her "auntie." Every year she throws a big outdoor party just for kids. Jessica is a huge fan of the Cleveland Indians and listens to almost every game on the radio, every season. Her two rescue dogs, Grady and Morgan, seem to take up most of the rest of her free time. You can find them most nights walking around the "birdie streets", or walking park trails. For the most part, they are good dogs.

  • Jessica and her dogs, Grady and Morgan
Jessica is a proud ally

Jessica Is a
Proud Ally!

Hate has no home in Macedonia, Ohio

Re-Elect Jessica Brandt
November 2, 2021

Endorsements Of

People and organizations that have endorsed Jessica

Macedonia Firefighters

Macedonia Police (FOP #108)

Ohio Rep. Casey Weinstein

Mayor Nick Molnar

The Summit County Democratic Party

Endorsements By

If you're voting for Jessica...

Janet Tulley image:

Janet Tulley

Vini J. Ventura image:

Vini J. Ventura

Jessica emphatically endorses Jan Tulley and Vini Ventura for council, both of whom are also on the November ballot. Jan brings over a decade of experience with her to council and has proven to be a fair-minded and level-headed team member as well as a champion for our city and its residents. Jan was also Jessica's Sunday school teacher in the 1980s. Vini was first elected to City Council beginning in the 2018 term, along with Jessica. He has been a Macedonia resident for 30 years. Vini is a military veteran and has also served in law enforcement for over 40 years. Vini and Jessica have discussed the state of affairs in Macedonia many times and are in agreement on most issues. Vini's voice is a committed and compassionate voice for all residents. If you haven't met Vini yet - where ya been??